Ikseb l-għajnuna jew ikkuntattja lill-Għajnuna ta' Airbnb
Ikseb l-għajnuna jew ikkuntattja lill-Għajnuna ta' Airbnb
Whether you’re a Host or guest, find help before, during, or after a stay.
Contact your Host or guest
Sending a message is usually the quickest and easiest way to resolve an issue with your listing or reservation. Or you could try calling them.
Explore the Help Center
Visit the Help Center to find answers to common questions, including information about:
Visit the Resolution Center
If you need to securely send or request money for something that wasn’t included in a listing, visit the Resolution Center. We can also get involved if you need help working out the details with your Host or guest.
Contact Airbnb Customer Service
Need a little more help or have a complaint? Contact us by email, chat, or phone at 1-844-234-2500.
Dal-artiklu kienlek ta' għajnuna?
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