Kif tibbukkja ġewwa l-Ġappun
Maybe you’re finally going to experience hanami—enjoying the cherry blossoms—in Kyoto. And you found a great little tatami-style room for your stay. Before you travel to Japan, there are a few details that are good to know.
Guest registration
Under the Japanese law, when you check in, your Host must record information on every guest, including name, address, occupation, and dates of stay.
You may need to provide personal information based on non-legal grounds (such as your accommodation contract with the Host). If you are concerned about providing your personal information, you can always contact the Host before booking to clarify what information you’ll be asked for.
A Host must prove that they are legally allowed to host before listing their room in Japan. Go to Read more about the space, where you’ll find the license or registration number.
For guests who are foreign nationals
The Host must record every guest’s nationality and passport number and keep a copy of the passport as a record. Guests are expected to cooperate with the Host in following laws and regulations.
Guests who are foreign nationals with a Japanese resident status don’t need to provide a copy of their passport, however they may be asked for other identification, such as driver’s license, insurance card, my number card, or residence card. Learn more at Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
For Hosts
All Hosts must show the license or registration number in all listings in Japan.
In order to ensure a smooth stay, we recommend that Hosts communicate with guests in advance about the house rules, legal requirements, and the passport identification process. It’s also a good idea to confirm whether a foreign guest has an address in Japan ahead of their stay.
Need more help?
Guests traveling to Japan can contact the Minpaku System Call Center (0570-041-389) directly.
We recommend that Hosts contact the supervising local government.
Please note that the above information is for reference only and is general information as of March 31, 2021. Airbnb cannot give advice about whether identification at check-in is needed or appropriate.
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