Dwar Airbnb: X'inhi u kif taħdem
Host anything, anywhere, so guests can enjoy everything, everywhere.
A community built for belonging
Airbnb began in 2008 when 2 designers who had space to share hosted 3 travelers looking for a place to stay. Now, millions of Hosts and guests have created free Airbnb accounts to enjoy each other's unique view of the world.
Enjoy unique stays, Experiences, Adventures, and more
From cozy cottages to elegant penthouses, Hosts are happy to share their places. Whether its a work trip, weekend getaway, family vacation, or a longer stay, there are millions of amazing places to visit.
Then there are Airbnb Experiences, hosted by inspiring local experts. From horse whispering to canyon hiking, Experience Hosts share their passion for cooking, art, music, and so much more.
Or local guides take small groups off the beaten trail into more unexplored territories with Airbnb Adventures for fully immersive expeditions.
On the business front, Airbnb for Work has everything needed to do your job on the road, from top-rated places and collaborative spaces to team-building Experiences and administrative tools that make managing travel easier than ever.
Services you can trust
We want your experience with Airbnb to be easy and enjoyable. Here’s how we’re working to help make you feel secure and protected:
- Verified personal profiles and listings
- Smart messaging for Hosts and guests to safely communicate with confidence
- A trusted platform for collecting and transferring payments
Learn more about our commitment to your safety.
24/7 support for Hosts and guests
Got questions? Get answers in our Help Center. You can learn about finding a place to stay, paying for your reservation, and more.
Our guests and Hosts are always on the go, and so are we. Our global Community Support team is at the ready 24/7 in 11 different languages. Need help with rebooking, refunds, reimbursements, and more, We also offer AirCover for Hosts, which is included every time you host and provides you $3M in Host damage protection. Feel free to contact us.
Ready to get started?
We can’t wait to welcome you to Airbnb. Here’s everything you need to know about getting started. You’re just 3 steps away from your next getaway.
Interested in sharing your place? Discover how to host a stay or how to host an Experience.
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