Editja s-settings tal-kont tiegħek
Editja s-settings tal-kont tiegħek
Need to make a change or two? Just click or tap your profile picture and go to Account, you’ll find:
- Personal info: Provides your personal details and how we can reach you
- Login and security: Update your password and secure your account
- Payments and payouts: Review your payments, payouts, coupons, and gift cards
- Taxes: Manage taxpayer information and your tax documents
- Notifications: Choose notification preferences and how you want to be contacted
- Privacy and sharing: Control connected apps, what you share, and who sees it
- Global preferences: Set your default language, currency, and time zone
- Travel for work: Add a work email for your business trip benefits
- Professional hosting tools: Perfect if you manage several properties
- Referral credit and coupons: Track any referral credits and coupons here. Learn more about Host referrals
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