Fittex politiki ta' kanċellazzjoni iktar flessibbli
Even the best-laid plans can change. Airbnb Hosts get that, which is why many of them allow plenty of time to cancel your reservation for a full refund if something comes up.
Filter by refundable places
You can find places with more flexible cancellation policies by using our search filter. You can search for places that offer a full refund if you end up needing to cancel, even if it’s close to your departure date.
To find the Free cancellation filter, simply enter your destination and travel dates and select Filters. Find out more about using our search filters.
Types of free cancellation policies
There are different options a Host might offer for a full refund. These include:
- A full refund of nightly rate if you cancel at least 1 day prior to arrival, or,
- A full refund of nightly rate if you cancel at least 7 days prior to arrival
In some cases, Hosts might offer a partial refund. You can find the specific cancellation policy your Host has set on their place before you book which will tell you what date you need to cancel by to avoid fees.
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