X'ma jitqiesx bħala Esperjenza ta' Airbnb
Airbnb welcomes many different kinds of Experiences as long as they demonstrate expertise, insider access, and connection. Popular, 5-star Experiences are often interactive activities hosted by locals, in which guests can truly feel connected to a Host and gain insight into their world. Activities in which a Host is merely providing transactional services do not meet our Experiences standards and requirements.
The below activities may be considered transactional services and are typically ineligible to be published on Airbnb as Experiences. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change:
Agent, brokerage, and sales services: Hosts selling or brokering goods or services
- Ticket sales
- Product or item sales
- Payment collection
- Subscription services
- Membership services
- Real estate brokering
Childcare services: Activities specifically designed for minors (Note: Minors may not participate in Experiences without the supervision of a parent or consenting guardian)
- Babysitting
- Daycare center
Business services: Hosts advising or counseling guests on legal or business decisions based on personal or professional experience
- Multilevel marketing (MLM) mastery courses
- Attorney or legal services
Financial consulting: Hosts providing advice on money management
- Financial advisory services
- Wealth management
- Investment consulting
- Tax consulting or accounting services
- Insurance consulting
Healthcare consulting: Hosts performing medical procedures and appointments
- Doctor visits
- Mental therapy treatments
- Medical professionals/appointments
Pet care: Hosts providing animal care without participation by such animal’s owner or caretaker
- Pet sitting
- Pet grooming
- Pet walking
Rentals: Hosts facilitating or providing rental goods or service reservations
- Vehicle rentals
- Equipment rentals
- Venue rentals
- Personal item rentals
Transportation services: Experiences where the primary purpose is carriage and movement of goods or passengers
- Delivery or moving services
- Rideshare, chauffeur, taxis
Artikli relatati
- Organizzatur tal-Esperjenzi
Standards u rekwiżiti għall-Esperjenzi ta' Airbnb
Ikseb iktar dettalji dwar l-istandards u r-rekwiżiti ta' kwalità li għandhom ikollhom l-Organizzaturi ta' Esperjenza ta' Airbnb. Tirol
Jekk qed taħsibha ssirx Host ta' Airbnb, hawn għandek ftit informazzjoni biex ngħinuk tifhem il-liġijiet tal-belt tiegħekL-Istandards tal-Komunità tagħna
Κоmрlі аqrа bіех іѕѕіr tаf іktаr dwаr l‐іѕtаndаrdѕ tаl‐kоmunіtà tаgħnа․