Timijiet tal-hosting: Ħarsa ġenerali
Whether you’re managing multiple places or prefer to be more hands-off, hosting with a group is a great way to share the work and keep your listings running smoothly.
A hosting team may be a business or a group of people that manages short- or long-term rentals on behalf of the owner or renter. They can take care of any number of tasks, from booking and interacting with guests to cleaning and maintenance. Anyone with a listing on Airbnb can invite their existing rental management service to access and manage their listings on their behalf. Find out how hosting teams differ from Co-Hosts.
How teams can help
- Preparation: Get the space guest-ready, from arranging for photography to adding finishing touches
- Listing management: Edit descriptions, photos, pricing, discounts, and availability
- Guest communication: Welcome guests, give tours, message, etc.—team members will be identified as such and can message guests using their own Airbnb accounts
- Support: Handle issues with reservations and guests or contact Airbnb to work on a resolution
- Guest reviews: When a team member writes a review, the listing owner will be shown as the author
- Reservations: Manage reservation settings and accept or decline trip requests
- Cleaning and maintenance: Perform or arrange services for your place
Listing access and permissions
As the account owner, you retain control over who has access to your listing and info, even when you manage the listing with a team or property manager. Learn about hosting team permissions.
If you have a property in France, Spain, or Canada, you can manage it with Luckey, an Airbnb subsidiary.
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