
Mużew tal-Istorja ta 'Tampa

2 persuni tal-post jissuġġeruh,

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December 19, 2020
Tampa Bay History Center is a history museum in Tampa, Florida. Exhibits include coverage of the Tampa Bay area's first native inhabitants, Spanish conquistadors, and historical figures who shaped the area's history, as well as a reproduction of a 1920s cigar store.

Tampa History Museum mill-Esperjenzi ta' Airbnb

Sir af dan il-post ikoniku permezz tal-Esperjenzi ta' Airbnb, attivitajiet ta' gruppi żgħar immexxija miċ-ċittadini lokali
Ħġieġ Qiegħ Kayak Led Illuminated Night Tour St Pete Beach
Ġita bil-mixi madwar id-Distrett Storiku tal-Belt ta 'Ybor
Kun persuna li tieħu ħsieb in-naħal għal Jum
801 Water St
Tampa, FL