Mużew tal-Istorja

Mużew Egizzjan

862 persuna tal-post jissuġġeruh,

Suġġerimenti mingħand nies tal-post

October 3, 2018
The world oldest museum entirely devoted to ancient Egyptian culture.
May 13, 2016
The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Turin is one of the most important Egyptian museums in the world, second only to that of Cairo.
April 26, 2016
The 2nd biggest and important Egyptian Museum, after that one of Cairo.
Tanya & Andrew
February 29, 2016
The second largest egyptian museum in the world!
February 11, 2016
The Big Egyptian Museum

Affarijiet uniċi li tista' tagħmel fil-qrib

Lezzjoni tat-Tisjir u Ġita tas-Suq ma' Kok ġewwa Turin
Ikel lokali eċċellenti fil-qalba ta 'Turin
Togħmiet ta 'Ġita bil-mixi f' Turin

In-nies tal-post jirrakkomandaw ukoll

6 Via Accademia delle Scienze
Torino, Piemonte