Kif tibbukkja l-vjaġġi għal xi ħadd ieħor
Wondering if you're allowed to book business trips for other people at your company? If you’re a designated trip planner for your company’s Airbnb for Work account, you can create reservations on behalf of others.
When you book a stay for someone else, you handle the reservation request, introductions, and payment—then transfer responsibility for the trip to the guest. Once a reservation is accepted, both you and the guest join the message thread with the Host so you both receive all trip communications.
If you’re building a reservation for a guest who hasn’t created an Airbnb profile, you can still checkout and pay. We’ll email the guest and guide them in both creating an Airbnb account and accepting your booking request. If you booked using a credit card, you may see a pre-authorization hold on your card while this process occurs. Once the reservation is confirmed, your payment method will be charged.
Learn more about managing company travel.
If you're a Host, booked by and booked for will be displayed with the names of the trip planner and your guest on the reservation.
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