Meta se tirċievi l-ħlas lura tiegħek
If you’re eligible for a refund, we'll send your refund as soon as you cancel, to the payment method you used when you booked the reservation. Your bank or credit card issuer may take longer to get it to you. It all depends on how you paid, when you paid, and where you live.
How you’ll get your refund
In many cases, you’ll notice both a payment charge and a separate refund amount on your payment method. If you cancel within the first 24 hours after booking, we may not have charged your payment quite yet and only placed a hold on your payment method. In this case, we’ll simply remove the payment hold, which is often an invisible backend process.
Sib fejn wasal il-ħlas lura fil-karta tal-kreditu tiegħek
Għandek żewġ modi kif issib fejn wasallek il-ħlas lura. Iftaħ Vjaġġi, agħżel il-booking u mbagħad agħżel Sib fejn wasal il-ħlas lura. Jew inkella:
- Ikklikkja fuq Profil > Kont > Pagamenti u ħlasijiet
- Minn Pagamenti ikklikkja fuq Ħu ħsieb il-pagamenti
- Agħżel it-tranżazzjoni tal-pagament biex issib L-istatus tal-ħlas lura
- Agħfas fuq Profil
- Minn Settings agħfas fuq Pagamenti u ħlasijiet
- Agħfas fuq Il-pagamenti tiegħek u mbagħad agħżel tranżazzjoni biex issib L-istatus tal-ħlas lura
- Agħfas fuq Profil
- Minn Settings agħfas fuq Pagamenti u ħlasijiet
- Agħfas fuq Il-pagamenti tiegħek u mbagħad agħżel tranżazzjoni biex issib L-istatus tal-ħlas lura
- Agħfas fuq Menù > Kont > Pagamenti u ħlasijiet
- Agħfas fuq Ħu ħsieb il-pagamenti minn Pagamenti
- Agħżel tranżazzjoni biex issib L-istatus tal-ħlas lura
Contact your bank if you haven’t received your refund based on the refund timelines below. You’ll find your ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) in Refund status. Your ARN is a unique number that your bank can use to track your refund. Provide this number to your bank, and they can let you know when to expect your refund to deposit in your account.
Refund timelines
24 hours
- Airbnb for Work credit
- Airbnb gift credit
- Hongbao credit
- PayPal
1 business day
- Alipay
- WeChat Pay
Up to 5 business days
- Sofort Überweisung
5-7 business days
- Klarna
Up to 15 business days
- Major credit cards, including prepaid credit and debit cards
- Other payment methods
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Postepay
Up to 2 credit card statements
- Aura
- Elo
- Hipercard
- Major credit cards in Brazil only
Note: If your original payment method’s account was closed, the refund sent by Airbnb won’t process. If this happens, you can contact Airbnb to step in and help.
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