Jeħtieġli nimla l-formola Bidvest li tintbagħat lill-Hosts ġewwa l-Afrika t'Isfel?
South Africa has restrictions on bank transfers from abroad. In order for South African hosts to receive funds in their local currency (ZAR) without fees, account owners are required to complete an annual reporting form for the South African Reserve Bank.
At the beginning of the calendar year, or after your first payout, Bidvest will email you the request to sign the mandate. Once the form has been completed, Bidvest will process your form and notify the South African Reserve Bank and your payout will continue to process. If your payout is released before the form is completed, the payout will not be processed and the funds will be returned to Airbnb.
We encourage you to complete the form as soon as possible in order to prevent any delays with your Airbnb payouts. The form is valid for one calendar year, so you’ll need to complete a new one each year.
If you have questions about the form, contact Bidvest directly:
- Email address:
- Contact number: 0105007819
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