Meta l-offerti personalizzati mhux disponibbli għal-listings
Meta l-offerti personalizzati mhux disponibbli għal-listings
Everyone loves to offer a great deal, but there are a few reasons you may not be able to add a custom promotion to your listing.
Requirements for custom promotions
You need a few things in order to create a custom offer, including:
- Your listing must have at least 3 bookings, as well as at least 1 booking in the past 365 days
- Dates must be unblocked at the time the promotion is activated
- Dates also need to have been available for at least 28 days in order to be eligible for promotion
- Only 50% of nights per month can be promoted
- Custom promotions can’t be applied if you have regular, weekly or monthly discounts in the listing
- One night’s price can’t be higher than your highest booked price from the last year
- Luxe listings and hotels aren’t eligible for custom promotions
How you’ll know a custom promotion isn’t available
If you don’t meet the requirements for a custom promotion, the promotion button won’t be available, even if it had been in the past. Also, if the chosen dates are ineligible for the custom promotion, you’ll get an "unavailable price" error message.
Discounts you can always offer
You can still offer deals to guests by setting a lower price for specific dates, or setting up weekly and monthly discounts.
Custom promotions are currently not available in Hungary and China.
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