Kif ittejjeb il-listing tiegħek
Check out this essential guide to help you update or fine-tune your listing. Here’s where you’ll find details on how things work, and instructions for specific settings that can help you make the most of your presence on Airbnb.
Adding pricing and fees
Want to manage your nightly price, discounts, and more? Head to Listings. Just know that custom prices will override your listing’s normal nightly, weekly, and monthly prices, or any nightly prices you’ve saved on your listing's calendar. If you want to add other types of fees—like a cleaning fee to help you keep your place in good shape—you can also set it up in Listings.
Manage your price settings
Edit your listing to manage your nightly price, discounts, and more.
Setting your nightly price
Learn how to edit your listing to manage your nightly rate.
Cleaning fees
Find out how and when to add a cleaning fee to your listing.
Managing your listing
It’s important to keep your listing up-to-date, and you can do so in one place. If you need to edit or add things like your listing details, pricing and availability, or cancellation policies, go to Listings. You can also add and re-arrange your photos, add check-in instructions, and edit your address or map location in Listings, too.
Cancellation policies for your listing
Choose a flexible, moderate, or strict cancellation policy for you and your listing.
Edit your listing address
How to add your exact address and map location to provide your confirmed guests with accurate info about their stay.
Edit your listing
Learn how to update your listing at any time.
Add or edit photos
Learn how to upload a few high resolution photos to attract guests.
Adding check-in instructions to listings
Find out how to add instructions in your listing details.
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