Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.

Direttorju tas-Suġġerimenti tal-Hosts

At Airbnb, we want to help make hosting easier for all our Hosts.

We know that Hosts often need assistance with everyday tasks—especially when they’re new to our hosting community. That's why we’re introducing a new feature: a Host Recommendations Directory.

The Host Recommendations Directory is a new Airbnb feature. There may be no Host recommendations for service providers in your location just yet.

About the directory

The directory helps Hosts find local Host-recommended service providers for things like cleaning, maintenance, painting, and more. All service providers in the directory must first be recommended by a Host with at least one listing—and who has used their services.

You can contact a service provider directly using the phone number or email address of the provider in the directory. 

Check out the Terms of Service.

Finding a local service provider

If you need a service provider for your home, but don’t know who to ask to recommend one, the directory can help you find what you need:

  1. Go to the Host Recommendations Directory
  2. The local Host-recommended service providers display within the map
  3. Use the filter to select the specific services you need
  4. Contact a provider directly using the information displayed

Using the directory

Airbnb does not charge Hosts to use the Host Recommendations Directory, and we don't charge service providers to be listed in the directory.

Before using the services of a provider, make sure to ask about pricing and fees. Explain the services you need and what you expect of the provider. For example, if you need a cleaning service, explain exactly where and what needs to be cleaned (bedrooms, kitchen etc.), how often, and at what time.

Check with other Hosts

We recommend that you don’t share any personal details or financial information until you’ve had a chance to speak with or meet a provider in person. If you’re uncertain about using a service provider, consider contacting your local Host group to ask about them.

Check out this page on hosting safety tips.

Qualifications and licenses

Don’t assume that because a Host has recommended a service provider that the provider has all of the necessary qualifications or licenses. Always:

  • Check that a service provider is qualified to perform the tasks you need them for
  • Confirm that they have the necessary licenses, permits, insurance etc. for the services they are listed for

For example, if you need a plumber to fix a leaking pipe, check that the service provider is in fact a qualified plumber.

Recommending a service provider

When a Host recommends a service provider they have used, we’ll contact the service provider to confirm their contact information and to check that they want to be included in the directory. 

To recommend a service provider:

  1. Go to the Recommend a service provider page
  2. Provide the name and email address of the service provider
  3. Select the services you’ve used and wish to recommend the provider for
  4. Submit the recommendation

Only recommend service providers you’ve used and want to recommend to other Hosts.

Check with the service provider

Before you submit a recommendation, let the service provider know. Make sure you have permission to share their information with Airbnb.

Check that the email address you provide for the service provider is correct. Service providers may get multiple recommendations from different Hosts for the same or different services.

Email address

If the service provider already has an Airbnb account, it's advisable to use the email address they use for that account. If the service provider does not have an Airbnb account, they can set one up using the email address you provide for them in the recommendation.

Note: The Host Recommendations Directory isn’t for promoting listings or for any form of self-promotion. The directory is exclusively to help Hosts find service providers that have been recommended by other Hosts.

Joining the directory

To check that a service provider wants to be included in the directory, we'll send an email to the address the Host provides for that service provider.

The service provider needs to:

  1. Log in to their Airbnb account with the email address provided by the Host they've been recommended by. If the service provider is new to Airbnb, they can create an account using this email address.
  2. Confirm and update their contact information for the directory—like their name and phone number.
  3. Check the relevant boxes to select the Host-recommended services they want to appear in the directory.

If a service provider doesn't wish to be included in the directory, they can keep unchecked all the services for which they have been recommended.

    Note: If you are a service provider and receive an email about joining the directory but aren't certain it's genuine, you can learn more about identifying legitimate Airbnb emails here.

    Changing recommendation settings

    Using the settings option in the Host Recommendations Directory, service providers are free to adjust their contact details and to select the services they’ve been recommended for and that they want to include in the directory.

    Selecting recommendations

    Any service that a service provider is recommended for by a Host is shown in a list. The service provider can then select and unselect the recommended services they want to display in the directory.

    For example, if a service provider has been recommended as an electrician and as a gardener, they can opt to include both of the recommendations, just one of the two, or neither.

    Note: It's not possible to change the service provider email address. Changes to settings are usually reflected in the directory shortly after saving, but may on occasion take slightly longer to update in the display.

    Leaving the directory

    If a service provider no longer wants to be included in the directory or wants to pause inclusion, they can go to the Host Recommendations Directory settings page and uncheck all of the services for which they have been recommended. Once the settings are saved, the service provider and contact details are no longer included in the directory.

    Reactivating recommendations

    The service provider can log into their Airbnb account at any time and can reactivate their recommendation on the settings page again.

    You can learn about deactivating or deleting your Airbnb account here.

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