Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.

X'inhu meħtieġ minnek biex tingħaqad u tibqa' fuq il-pjattaforma tas-servizzi tal-Co-Hosts b'esperjenza

Co-hosts must have a strong track record on Airbnb to be eligible to join. It’s important to maintain your high rating and response rate to remain visible in search results on the experienced co-host services platform.

What co-hosts need to join the experienced co-host services platform

We require co-hosts to follow all our ground rules for hosts, which help create comfortable, reliable stays for guests. We also require:

  • You’ve hosted 10+ stays or 3+ stays accumulating to 100+ nights both in the past 12 months as a host or co-host
  • You’ve maintained an average guest rating of 4.8 or more across all accounts and listings that you manage as a host, full-access co-host, and calendar and messaging access co-host in the past 12 months
  • Your cancellation rate is less than 3%, with exceptions made for certain valid reasons beyond your control
  • Your identity has been verified
  • Your Airbnb account is in good standing
  • You must meet photo requirements

Co-hosts need to maintain high review ratings

Guests expect a consistent level of quality and use reviews to share their experience. Co-hosts are required to maintain review ratings of 4.7 or higher to appear in search results on the experienced co-host services platform.

The average rating is calculated based on the overall guest star rating in the last 12 months of all listings that a co-host hosts, either as a co-host with full access or calendar and messaging access permissions, or as a host.

What happens if your ratings fall below 4.7

You may be temporarily hidden from the hosts’ search results on the experienced co-host services platform if your ratings are below 4.7.

If your average rating decreases below 4.5, the experienced co-host services platform may terminate its agreement with you in accordance with the Co-Host Network Additional Terms.

You’ll be able to reapply to the platform, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. You’ll still be able to work with your existing hosts, and you can still use the Airbnb platform and co-host tools.

Expected response rate to hosts

Co-hosts are recommended to maintain a response rate above 90% to remain visible to prospective hosts searching the experienced co-host services platform.

Response rate refers to the percentage of new requests from prospective hosts that co-hosts respond to within 24 hours over the last 90 days, from Airbnb Messages.

If you fall below the 90% response rate, you may be temporarily hidden from search results. This doesn’t impact your ability to communicate with hosts you’ve previously contacted, or to send your co-host referral link on the experienced co-host services platform.

Profile photo requirements for the experienced co-host services platform

Your profile photo in your Airbnb account must be high-resolution, with a file size up to 100 MB. The photo must clearly show your face,* and it can’t be blurry.

*If you host as a business in the European Economic Area or the UK, you may disregard this requirement. Please reach out to if you have questions.

Additional photo recommendations

For best results, consider uploading a photo where your face is:

  • Centered
  • Not covered
  • Not too small or too big
  • Does not include multiple faces

Additional info for co-hosts

The experienced co-host services platform is available in select locations, currently in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico (powered by Airbnb Global Services Limited); Canada, United States (powered by Airbnb Living LLC); and Brazil (powered by Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda)

Experienced co-host services platform requirements and expectations are subject to change. We'll update you if we make changes that may impact your eligibility to join and remain in the network.

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