Kif tagħti lill-klijenti tiegħek aċċess għall-internet
Offering internet access to guests is a great way to attract a wider audience and help guests feel more at home. If you add internet or wireless internet as an amenity, your listing will appear when people search or filter for places with internet.
Wi-fi safety best practices
It may be useful to tell guests that if they use your network, they agree to use it only for legal purposes and they promise not to use it for illegal uploading, downloading, or other illegal activities. We also encourage hosts to use wi-fi safety best practices:
- Create an encrypted (ex: WPA2) guest network, and only share that password with guests after they’ve confirmed their reservation
- Store your router and modem in a secure, locked location in your home that guests can’t access
- Create strong passwords for your router and modem, and change them often
- Routinely check your router and modem for software updates
More tips for offering internet access to guests
Add the wifi speed to your listing: Got high speed internet and want to show off to guests? Find out how to test your wifi speed on Airbnb.
Set up a remote-friendly workspace: If you’d like to get more digital nomads or people traveling for work, we’ve got you covered. Find tips on how to attract remote workers.
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