Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.

Х'tіѕtа' tаgħmеl јеkk Ноѕt mа јwеġіbх

If a Host doesn’t respond to a request to book

Unless you’ve chosen a place with Instant Book, Hosts have 24 hours to accept or decline a request to book. Find more about Host response time.

If a Host isn’t responding after a confirmed booking

When you have a confirmed reservation, your Host’s phone number will show in the reservation details for your trip so you can open the Airbnb app and call them. The Host's phone number won't show up after your stay (or if the reservation is canceled), but you can still send them a message. Find out more about contacting Hosts.

If you’re wondering about check-in details and instructions, you’ll find them 48 hours before the check-in date on your reservation’s itinerary page.

If all communications fail, and you can’t contact your Host, contact us.

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