Żid il-vjaġġaturi tal-grupp tal-vjaġġ tiegħek mal-booking
You’re all booked! Before you get packing, it’d be a good idea to send your trip details to the people in your travel group. When they join your trip, they’ll get access to check-in info and all messages with your host.
You have options when inviting your guests to join your trip—you can add them using SMS, email, WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat, and more.
Kif iżżid il-vjaġġaturi mal-booking tiegħek
Kif iżżid il-vjaġġaturi mal-booking tiegħek b'kompjuter
- Ikklikkja fuq Vjaġġi u agħżel il-booking li tixtieq taqsam
- Minn Dettalji tal-booking, ikklikkja fuq Ħu ħsieb il-vjaġġaturi
- Ikklikkja fuq Ibgħat id-dettalji tal-vjaġġ
- Agħżel għażla tal-qsim mal-oħrajn u ibgħat il-booking lill-vjaġġaturi l-oħra
Kif iżżid il-vjaġġaturi mal-booking tiegħek mill-app ta' Airbnb
- Agħfas fuq Vjaġġi u agħżel il-booking li tixtieq taqsam
- Minn Dettalji tal-bookings agħfas fuq Ħu ħsieb il-vjaġġaturi
- Agħfas fuq Ibgħat id-dettalji tal-vjaġġ
- Agħżel għażla tal-qsim mal-oħrajn u ibgħat il-booking lill-vjaġġaturi l-oħra
Kif iżżid il-vjaġġaturi mal-booking tiegħek mill-app ta' Airbnb
- Agħfas fuq Vjaġġi u agħżel il-booking li tixtieq taqsam
- Minn Dettalji tal-bookings agħfas fuq Ħu ħsieb il-vjaġġaturi
- Agħfas fuq Ibgħat id-dettalji tal-vjaġġ
- Agħżel għażla tal-qsim mal-oħrajn u ibgħat il-booking lill-vjaġġaturi l-oħra
Kif iżżid il-vjaġġaturi mal-booking tiegħek bi brawżer tal-mowbajl
- Agħfas fuq Vjaġġi u agħżel il-booking li tixtieq taqsam
- Minn Dettalji tal-bookings agħfas fuq Ħu ħsieb il-vjaġġaturi
- Agħfas fuq Ibgħat id-dettalji tal-vjaġġ
- Agħżel għażla tal-qsim mal-oħrajn u ibgħat il-booking lill-vjaġġaturi l-oħra
What happens when you invite guests to join your trip
When you add guests to your reservation, they’ll receive an invitation to join your trip—they may receive the invitation as an email, SMS, or another way, depending on how you shared the trip with them.
To accept the invitation, your guests will need to log in to their Airbnb account or create one, if they don’t already have one.
What trip details guests can access after joining your trip
After joining your trip, guests will get access to check-in info, including the address of the host’s place and check-in instructions, like a door code. Guests on the reservation will also get access to all past and future messages with your host, and can read and send messages to the host in the group conversation.
Who can be added as a guest to your reservation
You can add up to 15 guests to your reservation. Keep in mind: Many hosts may have a maximum number of guests that they can accommodate at their place, which can limit the number of guests you can invite to join your trip.
All guests must be 18 or older and have or create an Airbnb account to join your trip.
When invitations to join a trip expire
Invitations to join a trip expire at the time of checkout or trip cancellation.
If you need to change the number of guests on your reservation
The number of guests can be changed for reservations that are in progress or haven’t yet started. If you need to change your guest count, find out how to increase or decrease the number of guests on your reservation.
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