Kif nista' nuża l-Western Union biex nirċievi ħlasijiet?
Never request or make a reservation payment outside of Airbnb. If someone asks for payment to be taken off of Airbnb 's secure, on-site system, report it to us—just look for the flag icon in your message thread. Learn more.
Western Union is only available as an Airbnb host payout method in certain countries. To find out if it's available to you, check out your options when you add a payout method. If Western Union is listed for your selected country or region, you'll be able to add it to your account as a payout method.
If Western Union is available and you choose it as your payout method, enter your name as it appears on your government ID, including your first, middle, and last names. Don't include special characters, apostrophes, or hyphens. To collect your payouts, your official ID will need to match your account information.
Collecting payouts
When your newly added payout method is ready, Airbnb will be able to send payouts to Western Union. After Airbnb releases your payout, the payout line will be updated in your transaction history and you'll receive a unique confirmation number (called an MTCN) in an email from Airbnb. You need this number to pick up your money from a Western Union Quick Cash agent location. Western Union payouts expire after 90 days.
Fees and conditions
- Western Union processing fee: A $10 USD fee is deducted from each Western Union transaction to cover processing costs.
- Minimum payout amount: A minimum payout of $60 USD is required before your payout will be sent. You may also choose to set an additional minimum payout amount that's higher than $60.
- Maximum payout amount: The maximum Western Union transaction amount is $2000 USD. If your payout is more than $2000 USD, it’s divided into several smaller transactions. Western Union can’t process identical sums on the same day, so if you have a payout of $4000 or more, only $2000 can be processed per day.
- Currency and exchange rate: Western Union payouts are sent in USD. Western Union sets any exchange rates between USD and your local currency.
- Additional fees: Additional fees may be required by your local government. These are not set or charged by Airbnb.
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