Pariri tas-sigurtà għall-Hosts tal-postijiet fejn toqgħod
Hosting guests from all over the world should be fun, rewarding, and safe.
Interact on Airbnb
For your safety, always pay and communicate on Airbnb. And use Airbnb’s messaging system to get to know your guests and share expectations about your space.
Help guests know what to expect
Complete your house rules and guest manual and include anything you’d like people to know before they book—ex: whether (or where) smoking is allowed, or if certain areas are off-limits.
Make sure you’re covered
Talk to your insurance provider about adding an extra layer of protection with your own renter’s or homeowner’s insurance.
Responsible hosting
Hosting offers rich experiences, but it comes with a certain level of commitment. Learn more about how to be a Host in your region.
In an emergency situation, or if your personal safety is threatened, contact local police or emergency services immediately.
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