Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.

Hosting responsabbli fl-Italja

You can read this article in Italian or English.

We've created resources to guide Hosts on Airbnb to host responsibly in Italy. These resources provide a general understanding of the various national, regional, and local regulations that may apply to their hosting activities. It's important for Hosts to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and ensure they comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

We always recommend that you research or contact a legal expert for specific information based on your particular circumstances.

Below you can find the national obligations

1. Sign a contract with your guests

You can sign a tourist rental contract both in case you are a natural person (owner, sublessee or borrower) and in case you have a company (e.g., a property manager). The contract can be of any duration (ex: 1 day; 30 days; 1 year; 2 years). No cancellation is required at the end of the contract. Through the tourist rental you will be able to host a tourist in your accommodation for a fee. 

If you do not have a contract, we recommend that you register with your local Host Club. You will be able to consult other Hosts like yourself and ask them for information.

The requirements may be different if you decide to rent your accommodation for a period of less than thirty (30) days. Let’s look at the different cases:

A. Natural person or company with a contract of less than 30 days
B. Natural person or company with a contract of more than 30 day

A. Natural person or company with a contract of less than 30 days

If you are a natural person or a company and the tourist rental is for a maximum of 30 days, it is called “short rental”. In this case, there is no obligation to register the contract.

Properties that can be rented for short-term rentals
You can rent only real estate located in Italy with residential use for housing purposes and its annexes (boxes, parking spaces, cellars, attics, etc.). You can also rent individual rooms of your property.

Restrictions on services not related to use of the property
You can provide your guests with laundry and room cleaning and all the services strictly functional to the housing needs (e.g.: utilities, wi-fi, air conditioning etc.). On the other hand, you will not be able to provide the services that are not related to the use of the property (e.g.: breakfast, meals, the provision of rental cars or tourist guides). In order to provide these additional services, you must configure your property as an accommodation facility (i.e. “struttura ricettiva”) with the result that you will have to comply with the various requirements that are normally required in such circumstances by regional regulations.

B. Natural person or company with a contract longer than 30 days

If you are a natural person or a company and the tourist rental related to your property lasts longer than 30 days, you must sign a contract and register it with the Italian Inland Revenue Service. 

You can register your contract by: 

  • using the telematic services of the Italian Inland Revenue Service
  • requesting the registration at an office of the Italian Inland Revenue Service
  • appointing a qualified intermediary (professional, trade association, Caf, etc.) or a delegate
  • Please consult this page from the Ministry of Economy and Finance for more information about leases or rental contracts for real estate. 

Difference between tourist rental and temporary rental (“locazione transitoria”)
The temporary rental, unlike tourist rental, may have a maximum duration of 18 months, without a minimum duration limit and may be stipulated for the needs—of both the Host and the guest—of work mobility, related to the studies etc. The temporary rental contract must be made in writing using this form. If the contract is for 30 days or less, make sure it contains a specific statement of the need for transience, supported by appropriate documentation.

Difference between tourist rental and rental for university students
The tourist rental is also different from the rental for university students. The rental for university students can last from six months to three years and can be made in Municipalities with universities, university courses etc. when the guest is enrolled in a degree course or postgraduate course in a Municipality other than the one of residence. The contract must be made in writing using this form. Use this article as a starting point to help you discover some of the requirements that may apply if you decide to rent long-term accommodation on Airbnb.

2. Register guests through the Alloggiati Web portal

For tourist rental contracts of equal to/less than 30 days, you must communicate the general information of your guests within 24 hours of their arrival through Alloggiati Web, i.e. the Portal of the State Police.

How to register and authenticate on the Alloggiati Web portal
In order to register on the Alloggiati Web portal, you will first need to submit a request to the territorially competent Questura. Select the Region where your accommodation is located and consult the registration procedures of each competent Questura. Then, in a few simple steps, you can obtain access credentials to the portal.

In order to authenticate your identity:

  1. Go to the Portale Alloggiati and select the access (Accesso) menu and then the codes (Codici) item.
  2. After downloading the codes tab, click Work Area (Codes) (Area di Lavoro (Codici)).
  3. Enter the username and password and click Login (Accedi).
  4. Once logged in, the system will tell you which code to enter to complete authentication.

How to communicate the general information of your guests
After you have properly authenticated yourself, follow this procedure to communicate the general information of your guests. In summary:

  1. Access the AlloggiatiWeb portal with your credentials.
  2. Click Submit (Inserimento) on the top bar to fill in and send the form for your guest or other group members. In the case of a single guest, you must fill in all the information on the form and then send it. In the case of Head of Family (Capo Famiglia) or Group Leader (Capo Gruppo), you must also enter the information related to the other guests and then proceed to submit.
  3. Click Confirm (Conferma), checking that the information entered is correct.
  4. In the case of Group/Family Head, you must add the individual form with the data referring to the other guests. Once completed, select Add (Aggiungi) to add/link the guest to the Group/Family. 
    1. The entered guests will be added to the list displayed in the Group/Family Members List section (Elenco Componenti Gruppo o Famiglia).
  5. Once all the guests have been entered, select Submit Tab (Invio Schedina).
    1. A summary of all forms to be submitted for further verification will appear. If any errors are found, select Cancel (Annulla). Otherwise, select Submit All (Invia Tutti).
  6. At the end of the procedure, you will see the Submission Result (Esito Inserimento) confirmation.

Download the files attesting to the number of tabs correctly submitted in the last 30 days by selecting the Receipts (Ricevute) item, and keep all the related receipts.

3. Communicate data for statistical purposes

Each Region or Autonomous Province provides ways of communicating tourist flows to the public administration in order to obtain aggregate statistical data. We advise you to consult in this regard the institutional websites and the "Hosting Responsibly" form of the Region and the Municipality in which your accommodation is located. In fact, the way in which such data are communicated may vary from Region to Region.

4. Tax obligations

Article 4, paragraph 5-bis, of Decree-Law 50/2017, as amended by Budget Law 2024, requires platforms such as Airbnb to apply a 21% flat rate tax ("cedolare secca") on the income of non-professional Hosts from short-term rentals. Examples of non-professional Hosts include Hosts who are not registered for VAT and who rent out less than five accommodations.

From 1 January 2024, Hosts will be able to log into their account and confirm whether Airbnb will be required to withhold tax on future earnings from the short-term rental of their accommodation. Airbnb will pay the amount withheld to the Agenzia delle Entrate and will issue on an annual basis the “certificazione unica” with details about the tax withholdings on their earnings so they can account for them on their tax returns. Hosts will be always able to review and track their tax withholding details in their account.

If your listing is an extra-hotel accommodation facility (i.e. “struttura ricettiva extra-alberghiera”) (e.g. B&B, guesthouse or holiday home) that is subject to occasional income under Article 67, par. 1, lett. i of the TUIR, you will have to choose to manage your taxes yourself, as this income is not subject to the 21% withholding tax.

For more information, see our dedicated article about Italy income taxes. If you are unsure about how local law or this information may apply to you, we recommend you to research your own obligations or seek advice from your tax advisor.

Free tax guide

We want to make it easy for you to understand your tax responsibilities as a Host on Airbnb, so we’ve partnered with an independent third-party accounting firm to provide a free tax guide that covers general tax information in Italy (available in Italian and English).

Coming soon - National Identification Code and new obligations

We would like to inform you of a number of changes that will soon affect tourist rentals.

The s.c. “Decreto Anticipi” (Decree-Law No. 145/2023, converted into Law No. 191/2023) provides a National Identification Code (CIN) and a dedicated database managed by the Ministry of Tourism. Please keep in mind that these measures have not been implemented yet.

You will be able to apply for the CIN by declaring—through an automated procedure that is still being defined—the cadastral data of your accommodation and the existence of specific requirements such as:

  • the installation of combustible gas and carbon monoxide detectors
  • the provision of fire extinguishers
  • in the case of professional tourist rentals only, compliance with new safety requirements

Pending implementation, we invite you to continue complying with the currently applicable regional regulations and, therefore, to continue using the regional or local code where required. In the case of new short-term rentals activities, where required, you can apply for registration before the relevant local authority. For more information, visit the official website of the Ministry of Tourism.

In the case of professional tourist rentals, you will have to submit a certified report of commencement of activity (SCIA) to the Office for Productive Activities (SUAP) of the territorially competent Municipality.

We will inform you when these changes come into force and will provide you with more details about these new procedures. 

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